Sunday, July 18, 2010

Excellent Diet Pill

I Sold this product to a nurse that I work with because she was trying to find something similar to Adipex. She started taking the pills on a Thursday and by Monday when I saw her again back at work she was like a completely different person. I don't mean she had lost weight yet, which she had, about 2 pounds, but I mean she was excited and giddy that she felt great taking this product. With the Adipex she felt jittery and short of breath often. Sure she said Adipex worked great but was worried about the side effects, cost, ease of getting the product etc... She exhibited none of the same effects except the energy from the caffeine. One word that she used to describe ULTRA EPHRINE plus was "smooth". With 30mg synephrine and 200mg caffeine, this product seems to be very comparabile to the products that contain ephedrine. The nurse also liked the fact that she didn't have to travel to another state to get it. The price was right with her as well. 100 capsules for $19.99. 100 capsules is enough for 30 days. Taking a pill prior to each meal means 3 a day. The nurse followed the instructions and said she felt like she had to force herself to eat because she was not hungry. Overall, this nurse stated that she was extremely happy with the product and says that if things keep on the track that they are going she will continue to use this product until she reaches her desired weight. What else could one ask for in a product?

Since I didn't try this product I asked her to rate it. (out of 10)

Price: 9

Confidence in product: 10

Effectiveness: 10

You can get this product at